IBO OHI 25-40/180 circulation pump
Central heating circulation pump The IBO 25-40/180 circulating water heater is an advanced device designed specifically for the effective dr...
140.00 zł
WITA Delta TOP 40-25 energy-saving circulation pump
Energy-saving circulation pump from the well-known manufacturer WITA. The electronically controlled pump saves heat and electricity...
559.00 zł
WITA go.future Z domestic hot water pump
WITA go.future Z hot water pump
GO.FUTURE Z pump - a revolution in water circulation. Efficiency, energy efficiency and innovation in one. ...
435.00 zł
Mixing valve MI 3x1 inch WITA Minimix three-way + actuator W05 120s
Minimix E 3-way mixing valve + acuator
A key component of central heating systems, enabling precise regulation of the supply water temperat...
535.00 zł