
Jakie są trendy w ogrzewaniu domów w 2024 roku?

Jakie są trendy w ogrzewaniu domów w 2024 roku?

Ekologiczne ogrzewanie jako kluczowy trend w 2024 roku Jednym z najważniejszych trendów w ogrzewaniu w 2024 roku jest dążenie do stosowania bardziej ekologicznych rozwiązań. Coraz więcej osób decyduje się na technologie, które są przyjazne dla środowiska i pozwalają zredukować...
Boiler room ventilation - a key element of effective and ecological combustion

Boiler room ventilation - a key element of effective and ecological combustion

    Boiler room ventilation - a key element of effective and ecological combustion Wood has been very popular as a fuel in Poland for centuries, being widely used in many households. However, to achieve optimal results when burning wood, it is necessary to ensure proper air supply to the...
Wood burning properties - how to use this fuel effectively in the stove?

Wood burning properties - how to use this fuel effectively in the stove?

    Wood burning properties - how to use this fuel effectively in the stove? Wood is still one of the most popular fuels in Poland, used to heat houses and farms. Burning wood in a stove is relatively cheap and convenient for many people, but it is often associated with high emissions of...
Solid fuel boilers: pellets, wood, coal - how to get used to them?

Solid fuel boilers: pellets, wood, coal - how to get used to them?

  Boilers for solid fuels, such as pellets, wood or coal, are very popular among users. However, the use of these boilers also presents some challenges, such as the formation of soot and other deposits, which can adversely affect their operation. In this article, we will discuss how to...
Can you burn pellets in an eco-pea coal stove?

Can you burn pellets in an eco-pea coal stove?

  Can you burn pellets in an eco-pea coal stove? The upcoming heating period 2022/2023 seems to be one of the most difficult for many households in many years. High prices of coal, eco-pea coal, pellets and other solid fuels mean that users of central heating boilers are looking for savings....
Wood as fuel for the tough times

Wood as fuel for the tough times

  Boilers Wood stove - modern low power installation solutions based on a 15 to 26 kW wood boiler Wood has been the main source of heat in our homes for centuries. Currently, thanks to modern technologies, we have wood-fired boilers at our disposal, which allow for significant savings and care...