Buffer V 600 (560 liters), accumulation tank made of steel, insulated, not enameled

The buffer, i.e. the heat storage, is a non-enamelled welded steel tank. The greatest advantage of our tanks is excellent thermal insulation. This is extremely important with ever-increasing energy costs. The buffers produced by Konstal have been tested by the Office of Technical Inspection laboratory in Poznań.

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  • Code: bufor_konstal_v_600
  • Manufacturer: KONSTAL PLESZEW
  • Availability: Exists Exists

  • Price history
  • 4,100.00 zł
  • szt.
  • Payment in cash, Payment via bank transfer, eRaty Santander Consumer Bank, Bezpieczny, szybki przelew - Przelewy24, Płatności Ratalne i odroczone
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The product is shipped within 24 hours.

Parametry techniczne bufora

Type: Konstal V 600
Capacity: 560
Mass [kg]: 147
Supply connection diameter [inch]: 3 x 1 1/2
Return port diameter [inch]: 3 x 1 1/2
Drain port diameter [inch]: 1 x 3/4
Vent diameter [inch]: 1 x 3/4
Heater connector diameter [inch]: 2 x 1 1/2
Connection diameter of analog thermometers [inch]: 2 x 1/2
Working pressure [bar]: 3
Total width [mm]: 890
Depth [mm]: 905
Height [mm]: 1875
Type of insulation: styropian \ owata \ skay
Possibility of removing the insulation: Tak - suwak
Width after removing the insulation [mm]: 695

heat buffer - energy storage

The buffer tank is an element of the heating system, which is designed to collect the energy generated by the heat source. This energy can be stored for later use.

Compared to installations without buffers, such a system is more efficient and efficient. Energy is not wasted but used at the right moment.

Zbiornik bufor, ciepła


   V-60 to V-140 tanks


1. tank jacket,
2. bottom,
3. Mounting elements (slings),
4. Thermal isolation,
5. Power connector (1 pc.),
6. Return connector (1 pc.),
7. Drain port (1 pc.),
8. Bleed nipple (1 pc.),K
9. Measuring connector for the controller (1 pc.)

Schemat podłączeń bufora


   V-200 to V-800 tanks


1. tank jacket,
2. Bottom, 3 - leg,
3. Thermal isolation,
4. Power connectors (3 pcs.),
5. Return connectors (3 pcs.),
6. Drain port (1 pc.),
7. Measuring connectors for the controller (2 pcs.),
8. Vent connector (1 pc.),
9. Heater connectors (2 pcs.),
10.Measuring ports for analog thermometers (2 pcs.)

Bufory - schemat podłączeń, opis króćcy

construction of a buffer tank

The accumulation tank is a device made of sheet metal in a welded version. The construction of the tank has a cylindrical shape in a vertical position set on supports (legs) with adjustment screws for PELLPAL V 200-800 tanks, which enable leveling and vertical setting. PELLPAL V 60-140 tanks are designed for vertical hanging installation and have prepared assembly and construction elements. The cylindrical part (jacket) is closed on both sides with flat bottoms stiffened with bends and reinforcing ribs.
The tank has a set of connection stubs: supply and return spigots on the side of the boiler and the heating system, as well as drain, measuring and additional - universal (as an option). The diagram of the construction of the tank is shown above.


Insulation of the PELLPAL V accumulation tank

The tanks are thermally insulated over the entire surface. The insulation material has been selected so that heat losses are minimal (the temperature of the insulated surface of the tank is approx. 30 °C) with a minimum thickness of the insulation layer. Insulating mats can be covered with sheet metal or protected with a special cover made of a plastic bag. For the time of transport to the installation site (boiler room, basement), the insulation and the insulation cover can be removed and put back on after the tank is installed. Be careful not to damage the insulation and cover during disassembly and reassembly.

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